Commissioning & Completions
Commissioning & Completions Capabilities
RSGx specialises in M&E commissioning solutions. We have developed an unparalleled reputation in servicing complex commissioning activities across a number of industries.
High Voltage (HV) Commissioning
Low Voltage (LV) Commissioning
Instrumentation & Controls
Intelligent Transport Systems
Hazardous Area Inspections
Mechanical Commissioning
Turbines, Compressors & Rotating
EquipmentPermit to Work (PTW)
QA and Completions
Electrical & Instrumentation Equipment Hire
High Voltage (HV) Commissioning
HV solutions with a high focus on safety, quality and environment. Capabilities include:
- Inspection test plan and test record (ITR's and ITP's) development.
- Test procedure development.
- Operational procedures.
- Commissioning plans.
- Factory acceptance testing and site acceptance testing.
- Transformer testing, with experience in larger units up to 500MVA.
- Circuit breakers (GIS, ACB, VCB and SF6).
- Containerised substations.
- Switchboards and switchgear.
- Cable testing.
- Ring Main Units (RMU’s).
- Earthing systems.
- Current transformers and voltage transformers.
- Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems.
- Protection schemes including generation, transmission and distribution.
Low Voltage (LV) Commissioning
LV solutions with a high focus on safety, quality and environment. Capabilities include:
- Inspection test plan and test record (ITR's and ITP's) development.
- Test procedure development.
- Commissioning plans.
- Factory acceptance testing and site acceptance testing.
- Circuit breakers.
- Switchboards and switchgear.
- Cable testing.
- Lighting systems.
- Earthing systems.
- UPS.
- Protection settings and systems.
End to end power solutions, with a high focus on safety, quality and environment. Capabilities include:
- Inspection test plan and test record (ITR's and ITP's) development.
- Test procedure development.
- Factory acceptance testing and site acceptance testing.
- Underground cable termination and testing.
- Transformer testing, with experience in larger units up to 500MVA.
- Earthing systems.
- Overhead powerline testing and commissioning.
Instrumentation and Controls
- Inspection test plan and test record (ITR's and ITP's) development.
- Test procedure development.
- Commissioning plans.
- Factory acceptance testing and site acceptance testing.
- Calibration and loop testing of all electronic, pneumatic and smart instruments.
- Pre-commissioning and commissioning of all instrumentation.
- Instrumentation test equipment hire.
Intelligent Transport Systems
ITS solutions with a high focus on safety, quality and environment. Capabilities include:
- Inspection test plan and test record (ITR's and ITP's) development.
- Test procedure development.
- Commissioning plans.
- Factory acceptance testing and site acceptance testing.
- ITS subsystems, including CCTV, AVIDS, DAS, Phones, Tunnel Closure, PA, RRB, PMCS, TMCS and MNCS.
- Device specification and integration.
Hazardous Area Inspections
These solutions ultimately develop a path towards full compliance.
- Design of hazardous areas in accordance with the national electrical code (NEC) and IEC 60079 series.
- Development and implementation of Ex hazardous area inspection strategy.
- Creation of strategies to control and streamline the QA/QC and inspection timeline.
- Provision of experienced, competent and qualified personnel to perform Ex inspections of new and existing Ex equipment.
- Compiling Ex registers and databases.
- Certifying compliance with all standards and regulations.
- Design Ex inspection procedures.
- Project management of Ex installation and maintenance projects.
- Provision of drafting and as built drawings.
- Hazardous area inspections and compliance audits.
- Specialist hazardous equipment calibration services.
- Assessment of overseas sourced equipment prior to delivery.
- Training site personnel in requirements for ongoing surveillance.
- Ongoing assistance and advice through periodic inspections and audits.
- Development of hazardous area dossier to align with statutory and legal obligations.
Mechanical Commissioning
- Test procedure development.
- Inspection test plan and test record (ITR's and ITP's) development.
- Commissioning plans.
- Factory acceptance testing and site acceptance testing.
- Welding (standard and exotic materials).
- Heat treatment and NDT of welds.
- Deluge commissioning and performance testing.
- Ventilation commissioning and performance testing.
- Hot smoke tests.
- System flushes (pig and slug launching and capturing).
- Pneumatic and hydrostatic pressure testing.
- Nitrogen pressure testing on refrigeration systems.
- Leak and detection services.
- Flow testing.
- Data logging and reports.
Turbines, Compressors and Rotating Equipment
- Test procedure development.
- Inspection test plan and test record (ITR's and ITP's) development.
- Commissioning plans.
- Factory acceptance testing and site acceptance testing.
- Vibration analysis and balancing (SPM's).
- Laser alignment.
- Bearing temperatures.
- Data logging and reports.
- Turbines.
- Air and refrigeration compressors.
- Pumps, gearboxes and fans.
Permit To Work (PTW)
RSGx provides permit to work solutions to safely control live work areas.
- Develop permit to work processes for all disciplines to suit project requirements.
- Development and delivery of engaging training packages.
- Provision of permit to work hardware.
- Design, implementation and management of digital permit to work solutions.
- Deployment of experienced teams to implement and manage the permitting processes.
QA and Completions
We understand the importance of buy in from all stakeholders and the need for early adoption of a robust quality and completions management system. This adoption drives and facilitates seamless handover of a project’s deliverables to a prioritised schedule.
Through our processes, procedures, lessons learned, management systems and experience, RSGx can help to assist projects to eradicate the “bottle neck” scenario that can arise when inspections and documentation are not progressively completed and collated.
With the deliverables in mind, RSGx can develop, implement and manage a QA and completions management system for any project or can integrate into our clients QA and completions management systems.
- Setup system delineation and all linked documents within a CMS derived from design drawings and project deliverables.
- Experienced personnel to manage completions management system (Completions Connect, CCMS, Hexagon, etc.
- Integrate external software systems through API interface, helping to reduce project “data silos”.
- Generate inspection test plans, test records and punch lists for all disciplines.
- Organise and manage walkdown process.
- Progressively compile project deliverables into a dossier for handover to client.
Electrical And Instrumentation Equipment
Wet and dry hire of equipment are both available. We specialise in the provision of wet hire of E&I commissioning equipment.
General Electrical Equipment
- Thermographic camera (Flir E8-XT)
- OTDR (Single-mode and multi-mode)
- Cable analyser (Fluke DSX 5000)
- Torque wrench
- Portable DC power supplies
- Variable AC power supplies
- Cable marker
Instrumentation Test Equipment
- Process meter (Fluke 789)
- Process calibrator (Fluke 754)
- Pressure gauge (0-600kpa)
- HART communicator
- Vibration meter
- Pneumatic test pressure kit (0-40 Bar)
- Pressure hose kit
Electrical Test Equipment
- Omicron CPC 100
- Omicron Tan Delta tester
- FR Analyser . VLF tester (HVA68-2)
- Phase rotation meter (Fluke 9040)
- Multimeter (Fluke 179)
- Clamp on multimeter (Fluke 376)
- Power quality analyser (Fluke 430)
- Clam meter (PRO SyS CP41)
- Omicron CMC 356
- Omicron CT Analyser
- Cibano 500
- Omicron CP CU1
- Omicron CP CB2
- Multifunction tester (Fluke 1653B)
- HV Inc AC HiPot (PFT503CMF)
- Coil Analyser (SAT40A)
- Insulation resistance tester 1-15kV (Fluke 1507, Fluke 1555, Fluke 1587, Megger MiT1025)
- Micro Ohmmeter 10-600Amp (AEMC 6250, Megger MOM2, RMO200G, RMO600G, DLRO 600)
- HV switching gear (modiwark, HV gloves, ARC Flash switching suit)
Contact us for more information on a specific service or a copy of our full capability statement.